Where to use a span tag in HTML?



Mohit Verma

In HTML, Where to Use <span>

The <span> tag is used to group and apply styles or other attributes to a specific section of text or inline content.

Various Ways To Use <span> Tag

  • Styling Text: Use <span> to apply specific styles, like changing the font color, font size, or font family for a specific portion of text within a paragraph.
  • Highlighting Text: Use <span> to highlight certain words or phrases by applying a background color or text color.
  • Applying CSS Classes or IDs: The <span> tag can be used as a container to assign CSS classes or IDs to specific parts of the text.
  • Applying Inline Styles: While it's generally better to use CSS classes for styling, you can also apply inline styles directly to the <span> tag.
  • JavaScript Manipulation: The <span> tag can be used as a target for JavaScript manipulation or to apply dynamic changes to specific text or content.

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