What are the upcoming Brazilian drama 2020?

Query By: CARLOS



Upcoming Brazilian Drama - 2020

Hi, my name is Adom, I live in Rio and I'm a fan of Brazilian dramas. Here I'm going to list some upcoming Brazilian drama in 2020. I'm typing my first answer to this question on 23rd May 2020, I will try to keep it up to date in the upcoming future. Nowadays in Brazil, most of the drama or Tv shows being released on various web platforms like Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hulu, Disney+, etc. So I'm going to list all upcoming Brazilian drama no matter on which platform they are going to release.

List of Upcoming Brazilian Drama 2020

  1. Amor de Mae - Parte 2 [Mother's Love - Part 2], mid-2020
  2. Deus salve o rei [God Save the King], 19th May 2020 - Netflix
  3. Salve-se Quem Puder - Parte 2 [Save Yourself Who Can - Part 2], mid-2020
  4. Impuros (season 3), 19th May 2020 - Netflix
  5. Malhacao: Transformacao [Young Hearts: Transformartion], mid-2020
  6. A Morte Pode Esperar [Death Can Wait], mid-2020
  7. O Mecanismo [The Mechanism] (season 2), 19th May 2020 - Netflix
  8. Feira de Vaidades [Vanities Fair], no date ---
  9. Um Lugar ao Sol [A Place in the Sun], mid-2020
  10. Amor em Acao [Love in Action], mid-2021
  11. Rio Heroes (season 2), 19th May 2020 - Netflix
  12. O Selvagem da Opera [The Savage of the Opera], mid-2020
  13. Segunda Chamada [Second Call] (season 2), mid-2020

This is the list of top upcoming Brazilian drama 2020, Due to Coronavirus dates may differ from the given dates. You can expect most of them will be aired on web platforms. 

Video: Deus salve o rei [ Trailer, YouTube ]

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