What is the list of tv series & movies done by Rodrigo Santoro?

Last Update: Apr 26 2024 | BY: Vikash M.K.



Rodrigo Santoro (Full List of Series & Movies)

American YouTuber Rodrigo Santoro started his acting career as an actor in 1993 with the television series "Olho no Olho" in the role of Pedro. Since then he is active and he has appeared in many television series and movie projects back to back.

Full List of Movies Done By Rodrigo Santoro

  1. Depois do Escuro[15] (1996)
  2. Como Ser Solteiro (1998)
  3. O Trapalhão e a Luz Azul (1999)
  4. Stuart Little (1999)
  5. Bicho de Sete Cabeças (2001)
  6. Abril Despedaçado (2001)
  7. Stuart Little 2 (2002)
  8. The Roman Spring of Mrs. Stone (2003)
  9. Carandiru (2003)
  10. Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle (2003)
  11. Love Actually (2003)
  12. A Dona da História (2004)
  13. 300 (2006)
  14. Não por Acaso (2007)
  15. Live, Love, Laugh, But... (2008)
  16. Os Desafinados (2008)
  17. Redbelt (2008)
  18. Leonera (2008)
  19. Che (2008)
  20. I Love You Phillip Morris (2009)
  21. Post Grad (2009)
  22. Manual Para Se Defender de Alienígenas, Zumbis e Ninjas (2010)
  23. There Be Dragons (2010)
  24. Meu País (2011)
  25. Rio (2011)
  26. Hemingway & Gellhorn (2012)
  27. Heleno (2012)
  28. What To Expect When You're Expecting (2012)
  29. Reis e Ratos (2012)
  30. The Last Stand (2013)
  31. Rio 2096: A Story of Love and Fury (2013)
  32. 300: Rise of an Empire (2014)
  33. Rio 2 (2014)
  34. Rio, I Love You (2014)
  35. Focus (2015)
  36. The 33 (2015)
  37. Jane Got a Gun (2016)
  38. Ben-Hur (2016)
  39. Dominion (2016)
  40. Pelé: Birth of a Legend (2016)
  41. A Translator (Un Traductor) (2018)
  42. Monica and Friends: Bonds (2019)
  43. Klaus (2019)
  44. Project Power (2020)
  45. Save Ralph (2021)
  46. 7 Prisoners (2021)

Full List of Television Series Done By Rodrigo Santoro

  1. Olho no Olho (1993–1994)
  2. Pátria Minha (1994–1995)
  3. Explode Coração (1995–1996)
  4. Sai de Baixo (1996)
  5. Comédia da Vida Privada (1996)
  6. Hilda Furacão (1998)
  7. O Amor Está no Ar (1997)
  8. Belo e as Feras (1999)
  9. Suave Veneno (1999)
  10. Os Normais (2001)
  11. Estrela-Guia (2001)
  12. Pastores da Noite (2002)
  13. Mulheres Apaixonadas (2003)
  14. Hoje É Dia de Maria (2005)
  15. Hoje é Dia de Maria: Segunda Jornada (2005)
  16. Lost (2006)
  17. Som & Fúria (2009)
  18. Afinal, o Que Querem as Mulheres? (2010)
  19. Papai Noel Existe (2010)
  20. As Brasileiras (2012)
  21. Velho Chico (2016)
  22. Westworld (2016–2022)
  23.  (Guest role (seasons 3–4))
  24. Solteira e Boa Rapariga (2019)
  25. Reprisal (2019)
  26. Sessão de Terapia (2021)
  27. Sin límites (2022)
  28. Wolf Pack (2023)

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