How many languages does Courteney Cox can speak?

Query By: ADOM



Birth & Family Details of Courteney Cox

American actress Courteney Cox was born and raised in Birmingham, Alabama, United States. She is the daughter of businessman Richard Lewis Cox and Courteney Copeland.

After graduating from Mountain Brook High School, Cox left for Mount Vernon College in Washington, D.C. (now part of George Washington University), but did not complete her architecture course, opting instead to pursue a career in modeling and acting.

Languages Courteney Cox Speak Fluently

According to our database and online research, Courteney Cox has English and Norman ancestry, So, she is very fluent in English (the most spoken language by American, European, Australian, and New Zealand peoples).

  • English

Might be possible that Courteney Cox can also speak some other foreign languages such as Spanish, French, Italian, and German but at present time we have a lack of information regarding her fluency in these mentioned foreign languages.

Courteney  Cox speak languages fluently
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