How many languages does Terry Crews speak?

Query By: ADOM



terry crews speak languages

American Actor Terry Crews Bio

Crews was born on July 30, 1968, in Flint, Michigan, the son of Patricia Ann and Terry Crews. The middle child of three, he grew up in a strict Christian household in Flint and was raised mainly by his mother.

Crews received a flute from his great-aunt and took lessons for eight years. He spent a summer at Interlochen Arts Academy and entered Western Michigan University in Kalamazoo on an art scholarship. After his freshman year, he tried out for the football team and earned a full athletic scholarship.

Languages Fluently Spoken by Terry Crews

Terry Crews can speak "English" very fluently compared to other international languages that are spoken across the world. As mentioned, He was born in Flint, Michigan, United States as well as he is active in the American entertainment industry since 1999.

Maybe Terry Crews can also speak some other foreign languages, such as Japanese, French, Spanish, Italian, and German although it is unclear, whether he is able to speak or not.

  • English

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