What is website layout?

Last Update: Apr 27 2024 | BY: Sanjana Mohit


Bright Madhu

Website Layout

The positioning and categorization of items on a webpage is referred to as a website layout. It entails organizing the navigation, graphic design, and content to provide a unified and user-friendly interface. Depending on the objectives and needs of the website, a variety of typical website layout patterns can be implemented.

List of Some Popular Layouts

  1. Fixed-width layout
  2. Fluid or Liquid Layout
  3. Responsive layout
  4. Grid-based layout
  5. Single-page layout
  6. Multi-column layout

Fixed-width Layout

It uses a fixed width for the main content container. The content remains centered, and the width does not change regardless of the screen size or browser window width.

Fluid or Liquid Layout

The width of the main content container is set as a percentage of the screen or browser window width. This is responsive and can adapt to different screen sizes, but the design may appear stretched or compressed on extreme screen sizes.

Responsive Layout

It adjusts the content and design based on the screen size and device capabilities. It uses media queries, flexible grids, and fluid images to provide an optimal viewing experience on different devices, such as desktops, tablets, and mobile phones.

Grid-based Layout

It uses a grid system to divide the content into columns and rows by using some Grid frameworks, such as Bootstrap and Foundation, to provide predefined grid systems that simplify the creation of responsive grid-based layouts.

Single-page Layout

It has all the content on a single webpage, typically achieved by using anchor links or smooth scrolling.

Multi-column Layout

It divides the content into multiple columns, allowing for sidebars, related content sections, or multiple content areas.

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