What are the functions of management?

Last Update: Apr 27, 2024 |


Roshni Pandey

Management appears to be something difficult to define, a vital function concerned with all aspects of the working of an enterprise.

There are five functions are used in the management mentioned below:

  1. Planning
  2. Organizing
  3. Staffing
  4. Direction
  5. Controlling

The purpose of function management to the well-organized workplace and ideas in a proper manner.

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Sanjay Kushwaha

Functions of Management -

Basically, Five functions are used in Management - Planning, Organizing, Staffing, Direction, and Controlling, these are the management functions.

Planning - When we think to start a business at that time we need to think about the business, idea, physical existence, and harm of environment, etc. It's called proper planning before starting a business.

Organizing - It is related to the environmental organization, means that your business is fully comfortable that environment where you going to the start business, That's why before going to start your business, first of all, analyze that areas where you going to start.

Staffing - This is a very important thing in business staffing, always select the better and knowledgeable employee's to work and provide a good and exciting environment in an organization.

Direction - It means that give always better direction and current technologies knowledge related to your business to all employees and management team. And also arrange some seminars in the free time of work for employees.

Controlling - Controlling is important in all business sectors, try to interact - Management team, Work employees, and give some to discuss the project, problem, changes, etc.

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