How many languages does First Chalongrat Novsamrong can speak?

Last Update: May 30, 2024 |


Komal Shuhana

First Chalongrat Novsamrong | Languages Fluency

First Chalongrat Novsamrong is a Thailand actor, model, and host who was born and grew up in Thailand. He completed his schooling and higher education at a university that is also based in Thailand. As well as started his career working as an actor in the Thai entertainment industry.

First Chalongrat Novsamrong Speak Languages Fluently

According to First Chalongrat Novsamrong's birth details, location, and working experience, he is very fluent in the Thai language because he was born and grew up in Thailand (Thai is the official language of the Thai people as well). Along with the Thai language, he can also speak and understand the English language but it's not like his native language Thai.

First Chalongrat Novsamrong is a well-educated celebrity, maybe he is also able to speak other foreign languages to expand his career globally which help him to socialize with more people in other countries but officially he is very fluent in Thai and English only.

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