How many languages does Tan Jian Ci can speak?



Niharika Pol

Tan Jian Ci, Acting Career

Tan Jian Ci was born and raised in Beihai, Guangxi. He studied at the Beihai Haicheng No.3 Elementary School. At the age of 6, he moved to Kumamoto, Japan with his family for a year during which time he changed his own name to Kenji (健次) due to his adoration for Kenshiro, a fictional character and the protagonist of the Fist of the North Star manga series. He returned to China at the age of 7 and attended Beihai No. 3 Primary School of Guangxi.

Languages Fluently Spoken by Tan Jian Ci

As mentioned, Actor Tan Jian Ci was born and raised in Beihai, Guangxi that's why he is very fluent in "Mandarin"—the official or national language of China—very well compared to other international languages that are spoken across the world.

Maybe actor Tan Jian Ci should also speak some other foreign languages, such as Japanese, Korean, Thai, English, and German although it is unclear to what extent he is competent in them, our team is working on this article, so, we will update this article once we get more details regarding his proficiency in speaking other foreign languages.

  • Mandarin
  • English (Little Bit)

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