What are TV Series List of Turkish actress Ozge Gurel?



Simi W.K.

Ozge Gurel (TV Series & Movies)

Ozge Gurel is a television and film actress and model who is working in the Turkish entertainment industry. She was born on 5 February 1987 in Istanbul, Turkey.

Basic Profile Details of Ozge Gurel

Full List of TV Series of Ozge Gurel

  1. Kızım Nerede? (2010–2011)
  2. Ve İnsan Aldandı (2011)
  3. Huzur Sokağı (2012)
  4. Muhteşem Yüzyıl (2014)
  5. Medcezir (2014)
  6. Kiraz Mevsimi (2014–2015)
  7. Yıldızlar Şahidim (2017)
  8. Dolunay (2017)
  9. Börü (2018)
  10. Muhteşem İkili (2018–2019)
  11. Bay Yanlış (2020)

Full List of Movies of Ozge Gurel

  1. Bizum Hoca (2014)
  2. Organik Aşk Hikayeleri (2017)
  3. İlk Öpücük (2017)
  4. Börü (2018)
  5. Annem (2019)
  6. Kar Kırmızı (2020)

ozge gurel tv series list
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