What are the all TV series name of Turkish actor Kerem Bursin?



Ibbrahim Khan

KEREM BURSIN | Turkish Drama Actor

Kerem Bursin is a Turkish television and film actor who was born on 4 June 1987 in Istanbul, Turkey. His profession/occupation is being a professional television and film actor, he started his acting career in 2006 to present. About the 'Kerem Bursin' television series and film list, the complete list is mentioned below as all released and presently running series lists and also all released films and sort film lists.

Television Series List of Turkish Actor 'Kerem Bursin'

  1. Gunesi Beklerken (2013−2014)
  2. Ulan Istanbul (2014)
  3. Seref Meselesi (2014−2015)
  4. Bu Sehir Arkandan Gelecek (2017)
  5. Yasayamayanlar (2018)
  6. Muhtesem Ikili (2018−2019)
  7. Aynen Aynen (2020)
  8. Sen Cal Kapimi (2020-2021)
  9. Ya Çok Seversen (2023)

Movies List of Turkish Actor 'Kerem Bursin'

  1. Thursday (2006)
  2. Strawberry Melancholy (2007)
  3. Wendigo (2010)
  4. Sharktopus (2010)
  5. Palace of the Damned (2013)
  6. Unutursam Fısılda (2014)
  7. Iyi Oyun(2018)
  8. Can Feda (2018)
  9. Eflatun (2020)

Short Film List of Turkish Actor 'Kerem Bursin'

  1. Rozar Man (2006)
  2. The Architect (2007)
  3. Killian (2008)

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