What are TV series names of Turkish actor Onur Tuna?



Shudhanshu Bashu

Onur Tuna | Turkish Actor

Onur Tuna is a Turkish television and film actor and model who was born on 2 July 1985 in Canakkale, Turkey. He is best known for his roles in the TV series "Filinta" (2014-2017) and in the film "A Small September Affair" (2014).

Filmography List of Onur Tuna

  1. A Small September Affair (2014)
  2. Agir Romantik (2020) (Also known as Heavy Romance or Severely Romantic)

Television Series List of Onur Tuna

  1. Hayat Devam Ediyor or Life Goes On (2011-2012)
  2. Street of Peace (2013)
  3. Filinta (2014-2016)
  4. Cesur Yurek (2016-2017)
  5. Yasak Elma (2018-2019)
  6. Mucize Doktor or A Miracle or Brave Heart (2019-present)
  7. Benden Ne Olur (Upcoming)

Musical Video List of Onur Tuna

  1. Yasak Elma (2019)
  2. Onur Tuna/Yangin Yeri (2019)
  3. Dada Dandinista (2014)

Onur Tuna started his acting career with the Turkish TV series "Life Goes On" in 2011 after that another TV series he took part in "Street of Peace" (2013), "Filinta" (2014-2017), "Brave Heart" (2019-present), etc...

The viewers can also know more about Onur Tuna, including, Full Biography, Profile, Family & Current Net Worth of Onur Tuna, and Languages He Can Speak.

onur tuna full series list
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