Where to watch Love in Flames of War Chinese drama with eng sub?



Mahira Gil

Love in Flames of War | Chinese Drama

"Love in Flames of War" is an upcoming Chinese television romantic drama series directed & produced by Chung Shu Kai and Zeng Li Zhen. In this season, the series has a total number of 40 episodes with a running time duration is around 45 minutes per episode.

Basic Profile Details of Love in Flames of War

  • Name of Drama: Love in Flames of War
  • Other Names: Liang Chen Hao Jing Zhi Ji He (Chinese Title), Good Days and Good Scenery
  • Directed by Chung Shu Kai and Zeng Li Zhen
  • Country of Origin: China
  • Original Language: Chinese (Mandarin)
  • Number of Episodes: 40 Episodes
  • Release Date: 2021 -??
  • Aired On Day: ??
  • Original Network: ??
  • Running Time Duration: 45 Minutes/Episodes
  • Genres: Drama, Historical, Romance

Full Cast List of Love in Flames of War Drama

Synopsis of Love in Flames of War Drama

During the Warlords Era, the young and talented Lin Hangjing had to flee after her father was wrongly imprisoned. She seeks refuge from her father's good friend General Xiao and lives humbly and without complaints as she relied on their charity.

The Xiao family's overbearing young master Xiao Beichen who starts out bullying Lin Hangjing excessively has a change of heart when he becomes gradually attracted to her quiet confidence. General Shuai sends his son to military school for training. The seventh aunt promises to arrange a match between Xiao Beichen and Lin Hangjing after he returns.

Through five years of grueling training under the strict instruction of the military officers, Xiao Beichen is no longer the manacing boy he once was but a hardened soldier who has experienced the harsh realities of war. Upon his return, Xiao Beichen aids his father in running the army and intends to propose to Lin Hang Jing. He learns that she has fallen in love with a hot-blooded youth named Mu Zi Zheng.

In order to save Lin Hangjing's father, Lin Hangjing and Xiao Beichen agree to get married even if they have already become alienated from each other due to many misunderstandings. In a time of war when the Japanese seek to expand its territory by invading China, Lin Hangjing persuades Xiao Beichen to stand up for the people.

Entrenched in a war-laden era is an unlikely romance that blossoms between a young maiden and a young marshal. Lin Hangjing has always considered Xiao Beichen to be a cruel man who wants her even though she has already found her first love.

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