What is the TV Series & movies list of Nat Natasitt Uareksit?



Shimi LiM

Nat Natasitt Uareksit [TV Series]

Nat Natasitt Uareksit is a Thai television actor and model who was born on 8th August 2002 in Thailand. He started his acting career in 2020 since then he active in the Thai entertainment industry.

Short Profile of Nat Natasitt Uareksit

Nat Natasitt Uareksit made his acting career debut with the TV BL series "Why R U?" in 2020 where he playing as one of the supporting role names 'Blue', which gives him to become popular. Since then, he did multiples TV series in both lead and supporting roles. Recently, he was cast in the series named "Cutie Pie" as a supporting role.

Full List of TV Series of Nat Natasitt Uareksit

  1. Cutie Pie
  2. Close Friend (2021) 
  3. Y-Destiny (2021)
  4. You Never Eat Alone (2020)
  5. Why R U? (0220) 

Special & TV Show of Nat Natasitt Uareksit

  • Behind WHY R U (2020)
  • Why R U? Special 10.5 (2020)
  • Why R U? Special (2020)
  • Watching it in Japan: Season 4 (2020)
  • Watching it in Sendai (2019)

nat natasitt uareksit tv series list
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