Where to watch My Imaginary Boyfriend Thai BL series with eng sub?



Rohan KH.

My Imaginary Boyfriend (Thai BL Series)

Actually, "My Imaginary Boyfriend" is a navel book BUT on Twitter, the author announced that his book is being made into a series. This upcoming series was announced in March 2020 for filming and is in the very early stages.

Profile Details of "My Imaginary Boyfriend"

  • Full Name of Series: My Imaginary Boyfriend
  • Also Known As "Imaginary Boyfriend"
  • Genres: Thriller, Romance, Fantasy, Supernatural
  • Original Country Name: Thailand
  • Original Language: Thai
  • Subtitles: English Subtitles
  • Release Date: 2020 or 2021 -? 
  • Number of Episodes: 12 Episodes
  • Broadcasted Network: LINE TV
  • Tags: Gay Relationship, Curse, Ghost, Boogyman, Medical, Suspense

Synopsis of Series "My Imaginary Boyfriend"

This is a paranormal thriller romantic novel about Phai a young doctor, who has returned to Bangkok to continue his studies. He falls in with his imaginary friend whom he left behind without saying goodbye since he was young. 

However, once he comes back and finds his imaginary best friend named Klong, who also seems to have grown up just like him, waiting for him. He slowly comes to realize that maybe Klong doesn't really want to be a figment of his imagination anymore.


If someone leaves a person who was once the most treasured being in their life without a goodbye. Wouldn't it grow vengeful and come back to deprive the life of them? It's only fair this way, isn't it?

my imaginary boyfrind thai bl series
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