What is the net worth of Thai actor Nont Sadanont?



Unsam Ujjwal

'Nont Sadanont Durongkavarojana' is a Thai Actor; he is better known as his nickname 'Nont'. He was born on October 6, 2000, in Thailand. He debuts as an actor in the 2019 Thai film Dew the Movie. For his performance in Dew the Movie, 'Sadanont' has won two awards, namely Best Supporting Actor in the 16th Kom Chad Luek Awards and Best Actor in the 17th Starpics Thai Film Awards.

'Sadanont' has appeared in music videos such as in the MV for "Keu Tur Chai Mai" by Getsunova and Tai Orathai, and in the MV for "LOOP" by ONEONE

Current Net Worth of 2020: Sadanont Durongkavarojana

'Sadanont Durongkavarojana' current Net Worth is under review. We don't have any information about 'Sadanont' net worth in 2019-2020.

Education & Qualification: Nont Sadanont

'Sadanont' graduated from high school in Bangkok Christian College in 2019. He is now studying at the School of Digital Media and Cinematic Arts at Bangkok University 2020.

Television Series, Movies & Dramas List: Sadanont Durongkavarojana

  1. Dew the Movie (2019)
  2. Bad Genius (2020) - Upcoming Series

Poster Picture of 'Bad Genius (2020)'

bad genius
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