What is the net worth of Thai actor Ohm Pawat Chittsawangdee?



Shurbhi Jha

Ohm Pawat Chittsawangdee (Birth & Family Details)

Thai actor Ohm Pawat Chittsawangdee was born and grew up in Bangkok, Thailand. Also, he completed his basic and higher education in Thailand by attending Srinakharinwirot University and the College of Social Communication Innovation.

Ohm Pawat Chittsawangdee Speak Languages Fluently

Regarding his fluency in languages, Ohm Pawat Chittsawangdee can speak only Thai very fluently, it's because Thai is his native language as well as the official language of Thailand. Mostly, all the Thai people know the Thai language very well and speak it fluently.

Ohm Pawat Chittsawangdee also understands and speaks a little bit of English languages but is not very fluent in English like his native language Thai. He is one of the young Thai actors, maybe he is currently able to speak some other foreign languages for his acting career such as Korean, Mandarin, Japanese, Tagalog, etc... but according to our database, we are not very sure it just maybe he can.

Ohm Pawat speak languages fluently
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