What is the TV Series & movies list of Guo Jia Nan?



Ash Shiree

Guo Jia Nan [TV Series & Movies]

Guo Jia Nan is a Chinese actor and model who has been active in Chinese the television and film industries since 2016. He was born on 18th June 1998 in Heilongjiang, China.

Short Profile of Actor Guo Jia Nan

Guo Jia Nan made his acting debut as an actor in the film "Lei Shen Chuan Qi" in 2016 where he played the role named 'Xin Huan' in the Chinese entertainment industry. Since then, he has been active in the entertainment industry.

Full TV Series List of Guo Jia Nan

  1. Rebirth For You
  2. Word of Honor (2021)
  3. By Stealth Like You (2021)
  4. Meet By Window (2021)
  5. Miss Gu Who is Silent (2020)
  6. Always Warm (2020) 
  7. Romantic
  8. An Ancient Love Song
  9. Skip a Beat
  10. Prosecution Elite
  11. To Live Again
  12. The Blood of Youth
  13. Discovery of Romance
  14. Dr. Tang
  15. My Dearest Boss
  16. Here Is My Exclusive Indulge

Movies List of Guo Jia Nan

  1. The Mystic Nine: Qing Shan Hai Tang (2021)
  2. Our Story (2020)
  3. Lei Shen Chuan Qi (2016)

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