What is the TV Series & movies list of Chap Suppacheep Chanapai?

Query By: RIAN MK


Shimi LiM

Chap Suppacheep Chanapai [TV Series]

Chap Suppacheep Chanapai is a Thai actor and model who is active in the Thai television entertainment industry since 2020, He was born on 7th January 2000 in Thailand. As we mentioned officially, He started his acting career to appear in the TV series Lovely Writer in 2020. 

Short Profile of Chap Suppacheep Chanapai

Suppacheep Chanapai made his acting career debut with the television series "TharnType 2: 7 Years of Love" in 2020 where he guest roles after he was cast as one of the supporting roles in the TV series "Lovely Writer" in 2021.

Full List TV Series of Suppacheep Chanapai

  1. The Tuxedo
  2. Don't Say No (2021)
  3. Y Destiny (2021)
  4. Lovely Writer (2021)
  5. TharnType 2: 7 Years Of Love (2020)

TV Shows of Suppacheep Chanapai

  • The Secret (Love) (2021)
  • Lovely Writer Special Episode (2021)
  • Behind the Scene: Lovely Writer (2021)

Fans on Instagram Suppacheep Chanapai

Chap Suppacheep Chanapai is very active and popular on the social media platform of Instagram. He has an official account with the username (@chapmeow), where he has over 119k fans followers with a total number of 157 posts, the last update according to his account update of 23rd July 2021.

chap suppacheep full tv series list
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