What are the list of popular New Zealand dramas in 2020?



Prince Robin

Here are the most popular list of New Zealand Dramas and Popular TV programs; The list mentioned below with Released date of drama and series.

The below-listed shows, dramas, and reality shows are long-running shows in New Zealand, some shows are running since 1992:

New Zealand Dramas and Popular TV programs; which are running in 2020:

  1. Westside | Running Since 2015
  2. The Brokenwood Mysteries | Running Since 2014
  3. The Block NZ | Running Since 2012
  4. My Kitchen Rules New Zealand | Running Since 2014
  5. Filthy Rich | Running Since 2016
  6. AFK | Running Since 2018
  7. 800 Words | Running Since 2016
  8. The Cul de Sac | Running Since 2016
  9. Dear Murderer | Running Since 2017
  10. The Crowd Goes Wild | Running Since 2006
  11. Orange Roughies | Running Since 2006
  12. The Amazing Extraordinary Friends | Running Since 2006
  13. Police Ten 7 | Running Since 2002
  14. Shortland Street | Running Since 1992
  15. The Son Of A Gunn Show | Running Since 1992

New Zealand shows are telecast on multiple features Network included TVNZ, Mediaworks, Maori Television, Prime (New Zealand), Sky Network New Zealand, and CTV.

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