What is the TV Series & movies list of Up Poompat Iam-samang?

Query By: RIAN MK


Mahira Gil

Thai Actor Up Poompat IAM-Samang TV Series

Up Poompat IAM-Samang become a popular Thai television actor when he was cast for the Film "The Gifted" in 2015 since that he is working in the Thai television entertainment industry.

Up Poompat first appeared in cosmetics advertisements with his Korean look. After that, he was joining the Korean reality show "Babel 250" as a regular member from Thailand but recently, he cast as one of the lead roles in the Thai BL series "Lovely Writer" along with Kao Noppakao.

Up Poompat IAM-Samang Short Profile

Full TV Series List of Up Poompat IAM-Samang

  1. I Hate You, I Love You (2016)
  2. GGEZ (2018)
  3. Girl From Nowhere (2018)
  4. Lovely Writer (2021)

List of Movies & TV Shows of Up Poompat IAM-Samang

  1. The Gifted (2015) - Film
  2. Babel 250 (2016)
  3. KA Lip Care (2017)
  4. KA Sunscreen (2018)
  5. Jen Jud God Jig (2019)
  6. Hungry Sister (2020)
  7. Behind the Scene: Lovely Writer (2021)

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