What are the best upcoming Vietnamese dramas in 2020?



Shushi KK

Most Popular Vietnamese Television Drama Series List

  1. Suddenly Want to Cry (2008)
  2. Gao Nep Gao Te (2018)
  3. She Was Pretty (2019)
  4. Forever Young (2014)
  5. The Vietnam War (2017)
  6. Paris By Night (1983)
  7. The arbitrator (2017)
  8. Ngon Nen Hoang Cung (2004)
  9. A Bright Shining Lie (1998)
  10. The Voice of Vietnam (2012)
  11. The Emperor's Gift (2020)
  12. Ve Nha Di Con (2019)
  13. Hoa Hong Tren Nguc Trai (2019)
  14. Quynh Doll (2018)
  15. Hole In The Wall (2014)
  16. Unavoidable Girl (2009)
  17. Vang Anh's Diary (2006)
  18. The Ugly Girl (2008)
  19. The Bachelor Vietnam (2018)
  20. Thai Su Tran Thu Do (2013)
  21. Song of The South (2997)
  22. Sinh Tu (2019)
  23. Leu Chong (2010)
  24. 1983 (2019)
  25. Mong Thuong (1974)

vietnamese dramas list
10 votes


Privin Gingyara


The Voice of Vietnam | Singing Reality Show

"The Voice of Vietnam" is the most popular singing reality television show is a big deal in Vietnam. The participated contestants are instant celebrities, and the winners become mega-stars for the life of all the reality TV shows, singing competitions are the clear winners for The Voice of Vietnam, singers are judged initially for their vocal talents rather than for their stage presence and star power.

The Face

Continuing with reality television, we have Vietnam’s version of the USA Television show: The Face. This show puts up-and-coming models together with big names in the fashion industry in hopes of making them the next big thing.

Comedians Challenge | Comedy Show

The participated contestants on this show have one minute to make the audience and judges laugh. It’s a simple premise, but it attracts a wide variety of performers.

Some people do stand-up, while others act out wild scenes of buffoonery and misfortune. Then there are people who are hilarious just because of how awkward they are.

Little But Special | children Based Reality Show

This shows some of the brightest and most talented children in the country. The children on this show bring many different skills to the set, including math, music, and some impressive bilingualism.

Perfect Edition

Perfect Edition features amateur singers covering famous songs, which also makes it the perfect show for singing along in Vietnam. It makes sense, though, because after Vietnamese people spend a few evenings listening to their friends at karaoke, talented singers on TV must be a treat for their ears.

the voice of vietnam
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