What is the net worth of Thai actor New Thitipoom?



Luna Simmi

Acting Exprience of New Thitipoom

Thitipoom Techaapaikhun made his acting debut in Room Alone: The Series (2014) which was his first television series working under GMMTV. After That, he got the support role as role name Kao alongside Tay Tawan Vihokratana for "Kiss: The Series" and as role name Em in "SOTUS: The Series" in the same year.

Hey Guys! Are you excited to know about New Thitipoom Techaapaikhun's current estimated net worth, how much money he holds, salary, annual income, cars, lifestyles, etc.. then read the complete article at the end and you will find out all the information related to New Thitipoom net worth.

Current Net Worth of New Thitipoom (2024-2025)

In 2014, New Thitipoom Techaapaikhun joined GMMTV and when was cast in the popular BL series "Kiss Series" Since then he has become an international celebrity, as well as, a Thailand star in BL entertainment after he got many series in leading roles back to back that makes him one of the high search and rich celebrity in Thailand who actively working as a BL actor in multiple series produced by GMMTV.

According to 2023, he has an estimated net worth of around $2 Million to $5 Million which was increasing continuously day back day because of his experience also improving in every project when he is done. Currently, New Thitipoom Techaapaikhun has an estimated net worth between $2.5 Million to $7 Million. He earned all his money through his acting career being a professional actor in the Thai television entertainment Industry. Along with his acting career he also earns money through brand promotion and advertisement by being a fashion and promotion model through social media accounts where he has millions of followers.

new thitipoom net worth 2020
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