Top 10 Female YouTubers?

Query By: KUMKUM


Rupa Singh

jenna marbles youtuber star_1_1

Top Female YouTubers

"Jenna Marbles" is one of the 1st female YouTubers in the list of Top 10 YouTubers in the world, who got 5.3 million views on YouTube within a week by her YouTube channel video “How to trick people into thinking you’re good looking” in 2010.

Jenna Marbles | 1st Female YouTuber in World

Jenna Nicole Mourey was born on 15th September 1986 in Rochester, New York, United State. She is better known by her pseudonym Jenna Marbles. Jenna Marble's professions are an American YouTube personality, vlogger, comedian, and actress.

As of September 2019, her channel has approximately 3.3 Billion video views and 20 Million Subscribers and her YouTube channel is the 86th most subscribed channel on YouTube and the eighth-most-popular channel operated by a woman.

Jenna Mourey is the first social media star to have a wax figure displayed at Madame Tussauds Museum in New York City. About her personal information and residence in Los Angeles, California, United State.

Nowadays, Jenna Nicole Mourey is the owner of the most popular channel on YouTube operated by a woman and she made herself the first social media star. She made appearances on a number of TV shows and full feature movies, but their success can't be compared with the popularity of Jenna's YouTube videos.  

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