What is the net worth of Elvin Ng Singaporean actor?



Nishant Mike

About Elvin Ng Choon Siong

The full name of Elvin Ng is "Elvin Ng Choon Siong" is a Singapore Actor and Model, he is professionally known as the name of "Elvin Ng". He was born on 23 December 1980 in Singapore. 

Elvin Ng is best known for being a Movie Actor, Who played the lead role of Zou Jieming in the 2010 film Breakout. In 2016, he starred in both C.L.I.F. 4 and If Only I Could

Net Worth of Elvin Ng Choon Siong  

Elvin Ng is one of the Richest Movie Actor in Singapore. He is a Movie Actor, who has a net worth estimate around $1 Million - $5 Million in 2020, according to the news BUT it is not a fixed net worth probably increasing day by day. Elvin Ng’s income source is mostly from being successful Movies.

Education & Qualification of Elvin Ng  

Right now, we don't have much information about Education and Lifestyle BUT Elvin Ng studied English Literature at the National University of Singapore.

Elvin Ng Left Side of the Image

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