What is the TV Series & movies list of Wang You Shuo?



Abhi Madhwani

Wang You Shou, Acting Career

Wang You Shou started his acting as a supporting actor in the television series "Limbo Biography" and since then he did many projects back to back including both supporting as well as leading roles. And now he mostly works in leading roles.

Full List of TV Drama by Wang You Shuo

  1. The Inextricable Destiny
  2. General Well
  3. The Legend of Taotie
  4. Young Blood Season 2
  5. Dear Mr. Heavenly Fox
  6. Song of the Moon
  7. Jun Jiu Ling
  8. The Blooms at Ruyi Pavilion
  9. Young Blood
  10. Warm Village
  11. Legend of Yun Xi
  12. The Taoism Grandmaster
  13. Limbo Biography

Movie Done by Wang You Shuo

  1. Human Bone Curse
  2. Disc Fairy
  3. Forever Young

TV Show Done by Wang You Shuo

  1. Young Blooded Detectives
  2. Young Blood 2: Team Bonding
  3. Lipstick Prince: Season 2

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