What is the current net worth of Nam Joo Hyuk?



MM. Devid

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Nam Joo Hyuk (Model & Actor) Working Experience

If you are looking for South Korean actor Nam Joo Hyuk's current net worth then read this article right now. Here you can read the article about Nam Joo Hyuk's net worth but you can also read more about Nam Joo Hyuk including his Bio, Profile, Age, Education, Family, and Girlfriend in other articles BUT in this article - Salary, Annual Income, Social Media Popularity, Cars, Lifestyle, Full TV series/Movie List, etc... Let's learn more about him in this article one by one and find out every piece of information related to Nam Joo Hyuk:

Basic Information of Nam Joo Hyuk

Nam Joo Hyuk is one of the popular South Korean actors and models who was born on 22 February 1994 in Busan, South Korea. He is also a fashion icon for many male fans as well as young aspiring models.

Qualification of Nam Joo Hyuk

During his studies at Gyeongnam Middle School, Nam Joo Hyuk wanted to become a professional basketball player, hence he played on the basketball team for three years, However, after sustaining an injury and later undergoing an operation, his basketball days soon came to an end.

Current Net Worth of Nam Joo Hyuk (2024-2025) 

Nam Joo Hyuk has become one of the highest-paid actors in the South Korean entertainment industry at the moment. According to various online resources, the most Hansome and popular South Korean actor Nam Joo Hyuk has an estimated net worth of around $7 Million to $15 Million approximately as of 2024-2025.

Nam Joo Hyuk has also earned money through modeling and endorsed major brands, his current estimated net worth is growing very fast in the upcoming years because his work experience is also increasing every year. The primary resource for earning money is being a Professional and successful Television and film actor in the South Korean Entertainment Industry.

Fan Popularity of Nam Joo Hyuk on Instagram

Nam Joo Hyuk has a huge fan following an Instagram, account named '(@skawngur)' where he has more than 18.7 Million Followers.

Popular Television Series of Nam Joo Hyuk

  1. The Bride of Habaek (2017)
  2. The Light in Your Eyes (2019)
  3. The School Nurse Files (2020)
  4. Start-Up (2020)
  5. Here (2021) ---- Full List of Series of Korean Actor Nam Joo Hyuk

Award List of Nam Joo Hyuk (Won)

  1. 4th APAN Star Awards (2015)
  2. 29th KBS Drama Awards (2015)
  3. 11th Soompi Awards (2016)
  4. 36th MBC Drama Awards(2016)
  5. 6th Marie Claire Asia Star Awards (2018)
  6. 2nd The Seoul Awards(2018)
  7. 38th Korean Association of Film Critics Awards (2018)
  8. 39th Blue Dragon Film Awards (2018)
  9. 10th KOFRA Film Awards (2019)

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Rochak John

Nam Joo-hyuk, Basic Biography

Nam Joo-hyuk was born on February 22, 1994, in South Korea and is best known for being a Television OR TV Actor in the South Korean Entertainment Industry. Nam is a popular South Korean actor and model who gained popularity through the most famous role for playing the lead role of Han Yi-an on the KBS2 drama series Who Are You: School 2015. As a model, Nam Joo-hyuk has walked the runway for brands like SONGZIO Homme.

South Korean Actor & Model 'Nam Joo Hyuk' Basic Facts

  • Full Name ----- Nam Joo-Hyuk
  • Date of Birth ----- February 22, 1994 (According to 2020, 26 Years Old)
  • Horoscope OR Zodiac Sign ----- Pisces
  • Place of Birth ----- Busan, South Korea
  • Nam Joo Hyuk Has Nationality ----- South Korean
  • Height ----- Around (6 feet 3 inches(188 cm))
  • Weight ----- 74 KG (163 lbs)
  • Hair Color Of Nam Joo Hyuk ----- Black 
  • Eye Color Of Nam Joo Hyuk ----- Black
  • Marital Status According to 2020 ----- Not Married
  • Profession OR Occupation Of Nam Joo Hyuk ----- Model, Actor
  • Nam Joo Hyuk Acting Active Years ----- (2013-present in 2020)
  • Nam Joo Hyuk is Agent of 'YG, YGKPLUS, Management SOOP'
  • Current Net Worth of Nam Joo Hyuk ----- $7 Million to $15 Million
  • Social Media Account Of Nam Joo Hyuk ----- Instagram (Named: @skawngur)
  • Blood Type Of Nam Joo Hyuk ----- A

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