Where to watch Snowdrop (2021) Korean drama with Eng Sub?



Robert WM

Snowdrop (2021-22) | Korean Drama

Snowdrop (2021-22) is a South Korean television drama series directed By Jo Hyun Taek and written by Yoo Hyun-mi that officially premiered on 18 December 2021 on JTBC's original network in South Korea. The drama story is based on the handwritten notes of a man who escaped from a political prison camp in North Korea.

Basic Profile of Snowdrop TV Drama

  • Drama Name: Snowdrop
  • Other Names: seolganghwa , sulganghwa , Sulkanghwa , Seolkanghwa
  • Screen Written By Yoo Hyun Mi
  • Directed By Jo Hyun Taek
  • Country of Origin: South Korea
  • Original Language: Korean
  • Subtitles: English Subtitles
  • Number of Episodes: 16 Episodes
  • Released Date: December 18, 2021
  • Airs On Day: Saturday & Sunday
  • Original Network: JTBC
  • Distributor: JTBC & Disney+
  • Running Time Duration: 60 Minutes/Episode
  • Genres: Drama, Historical, Political, Romance, Melodrama
  • Production Companies: Drama House

Cast & Crews of Snowdrop Drama

Synopsis of Snowdrop TV Drama

Snowdrop TV series follows the story against the backdrop of the 1987 Democracy Movement, which was a mass protest movement with the purpose of forcing the then-current authoritarian government in South Korea to hold fair elections. As a result of mass protests, democratic elections were held in December 1987, which would later lead to the end of authoritarian rule in South Korea and the establishment of democratic rule in the Sixth Republic of Korea.

A student named IM Soo Ho at a prestigious university suddenly rushes into a female dorm covered in blood one day and Eun Young Cho a cheerful and lovable student who hides him and takes care of his wounds even while facing danger under close surveillance.

IM Soo Ho grew up in Germany who has a gentle charm but gives off an air of hiding a secret after falling in love with him at first sight at a social gathering the lively Eun Young Cho happens to run into him again at her dorm where she winds up tending to his wounds in hiding.

Pi Seung Hee is the notoriously strict and terrifying housemother of Young Cho's dorm while Kye Boon Ok is a phone operator at the dorm who had to forgo a college education due to her family’s financial circumstances.

Lee Kang Moo is the relentless head of the National Intelligence Service (NIS)’s Team 1 who always insists on doing everything by the book. Meanwhile, Jang Han Na is an impulsive and hot-tempered NIS agent who is passionate about her job.

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