Which are the top movies and tv shows of Aidan Gallagher?

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Winwagas MM.

American Actor Aidan Gallagher TV Series & Film

Aidan Gallagher is an American actor who is active in the world entertainment industry including both television and film since 2013. Aidan was born on 18 September 2003 in Los Angels, CA.

Aidan Gallagher has done one short film that is mentioned below:

List of Film of Aidan Gallagher

  1. You & Me (2013)

Aidan Gallagher made his acting career debut in 2013 as an actor portraying in the TV series "Modern Family" and as Nicky Harper in the Nickelodeon comedy television series "Nicky, Ricky, Dicky & Dawn".

He was cast as Number Five in 2019 in the Netflix series The Umbrella Academy, which is his breakthrough role and has brought him widespread recognition.

List of Television of Aidan Gallagher

  1. Modern Family (2013)
  2. Jacked Up (2013)
  3. Nicky, Ricky, Dicky & Dawn (2014-2018)
  4. Nickelodeon's Ho Ho Holiday Special (2015)
  5. Nickelodeon's Sizzling Summer Camp Special (2017)
  6. The Umbrella Academy (2019-present)

List of Music Videos of Aidan Gallagher

  1. "We Make That Lemonade" (2014)

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