What is drama list of James Jirayu Tangsrisuk Thai actor with eng sub?



Amrandra Basu

James Jirayu Tangsrisuk | Thai Actor, Singer & Model

Jirayu Tangsrisuk, better known as the name of "James Jirayu" is a Thai actor, singer, and model who was born on 19 September 1993 in Phichit, Thailand. James currently working under Channel 3 production network in Thailand 2013-present.

Full List of TV Series Done By James Jirayu Tangsrisuk

  1. Khun Chai Taratorn (2013)
  2. Khun Chai Pawornruj (2013)
  3. Khun Chai Puttipat (2013)
  4. Khun Chai Khun Chai Rachanon (2013)
  5. Khun Chai Ronapee (2013)
  6. Tong Neu Gao (2013)
  7. Ruk Sutrit (2013)
  8. Neung Nai Suang (2015)
  9. Padiwarada (2016)
  10. Idol X Warrior Miracle Tunes! (2017)
  11. Buang Hong (2017)
  12. Nueng Dao Fah Deaw (2017)
  13. Game Sanehha (2017)
  14. Krong Kam (In 2019)
  15. Payakorn Sorn Ruk (In 2020)
  16. Leh Bunpakarn (In 2020)
  17. Karat Ruk (2021) 
  18. Suptar 2550
  19. The Deadly Affair
  20. Khwanruethai
  21. Never Enough
  22. To the Moon and Back

Full List Movies By James Jirayu Tangsrisuk

  1. The Way (2012)
  2. First Love (2013)
  3. Timeline (2014)
  4. Khun Thong Dang The Inspirations (2015)
  5. Home Away From Home (2017) 

Television Show List of James Jirayu

  1. Tabi Japan With James Jirayu (2016)

james jirayu series list
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Tanijas Katiyar

James Jirayu | (James Jirayu Tangsrisuk)

James Jirayu Tangsrisuk made his debut and rose to stardom after starring in the Lakorn Suparburoot Jutathep: Khun Chai Puttipat, airing in May 2013. In September, he starred, for the first time, in a movie called First Love and two other dramas Tong Neu Gao and Ruk Sutrit.

Musical Videos List of James Jirayu

  1. "I Love You" (2013)
  2. "Much Further is Near" (2014)
  3. "The Question That No Answer" (2014)
  4. "Kiss" (2015)
  5. "You’re the One" (2015)
  6. "Every Molecule of My Heart" (2016)
  7. "Choose to Love" (2017)
  8. "Keep" (2018)

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