How many Languages does Josh Burns can speak?

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Josh BurnsBirthplace & Lifestyle

Josh Burns (born with the name of Joshua Solomon Burns) was born and raised in Caulfield, Victoria, and attended Gardenvale Primary School and Mt Scopus Memorial College. Later, he studied politics at Monash University.

Josh Burns was the Chair of the Melbourne SKIF, which is the youth wing of the Australian Jewish Labour Bund, during his young age. In the 2014 Victorian state election, he ran as the Labor candidate for the Caulfield seat. Despite being up against Liberal incumbent David Southwick, he managed to gain a 4.9% swing.

Languages Josh Burns Speak Fluently

Josh Burns is very fluent in Australian English, which is impressive considering the many languages spoken around the world. It is possible, he can also understand and speak German and Irish because his grandmother came to Australia as a Jewish refugee from Nazi Germany, and his paternal grandfather was born in London and came to Australia via Israel.

  • English

According to our data and online search, Josh Burns speaks only the English language very fluently because Australia is an English country, and a huge population of Australia speaks and understands the English language.

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