What is the current net worth of Laura Sohn?

LAST READ: APR 18 2024 | Q. BY: ADOM


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Laura Sohn | American Actress

Laura Sohn is an American television & film actress with an Asian origin who started her career as a model and ventured into the showbiz industry. After that she made her acting career debut as an actress in 2016 "The Vampire Leland" as a short role named Fang Wang. She is best known for The Blacklist (2013), Instinct (2018), and NCIS: New Orleans (2014).

Basic Profile Details of Laura Sohn

Current Net Worth of Laura Sohn (2020)

Laura Sohn has done more than 5 television series and movies and now she is one of the popular actresses who have a good net worth. Her current estimated net worth is growing significantly in 2020 & 2021.

Actually currently, we don't have enough information about Laura Sohn current net worth and how much she earned in a month & also how much she charges for a series or movies (update soon) ....!!! BUT her primary source of earning money is being a Professional Television & film actress from the world cinema.

laura sohn net worth 2020
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