What is the current net worth of Edan Alexander?

Query By: ADOM


Avaneesh Kumar


Edan Alexander | Child American Actor

Edan Alexander is a child American Actor, who is best known for his role such as Louis in the popular TV series, Two and a Half Men. He started a career at a very young age, when starting the Tv series "Two and a Half Men" then he was 7 years old. Edan's birthday details are not public but he was born in 2007. We have not more information related to parents, education, and relationship, if he changes his profile then we will change as soon as.

Edan's most popular television series such as Emily & Tim (2015), Irreplaceable You (2018), and The Undoing (2020) is remarkable work. However, till now, he has not won any award and nominated. At the current time his 13 years old.

Basic Details  Profile "Edan Alexander"

NameEdan Alexander
Age13 year old

List of Television Series (Edan Alexander)

  • The Undoing (2020)
  • Succession (2018)
  • Irreplaceable You (2018)
  • Nightcap (2017)
  • Kevin Can Wait (2017)
  • Emily & Tim (2015)
  • Two and a Half Men (2014-2015)

The current Net worth of Edan Alexander

Edan Alexander is one of the best popular child actors from the USA, his primary income source from the television industry, he achieved success at an early age. Edan is currently age around 13 years old, now for, he focused on his professional career. according to online data, he takes per episode $20 thousand, and he completed 10 episodes in Two and a Half Men, his total earning is $200 thousand approximately from Two and a Half Men.

Edan was one of the richest child American actors in the list of ranks, His earning growing rate increased in 2020 from "The Undoing". Such that, he is a very struggler child and focused on his work. We have not more data about related Net worth. if he updates his profile then we will be updated as soon as.

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