Which are the top movies and tv shows of Jordan Kristine Seamon?

Query By: ADOM



Jordan Kristine Seamon | American Actress

Jordan Kristine Seamon, better known by her stage name J.K. is an American American R&B/Urban pop singer/songwriter, actress, artist, author, entrepreneur, and Philadelphia. She is best known for "We Are Who We Are" (2020)

J.K. was born on 28 November 2002 who established herself as a dynamic songwriter with her 1st single, "Glo-Up" and "Glo-Up" Remix' featuring, rapper High Definition, which was released on March 5, 2018. The song was produced by American production duo Nard & B.

In 2019, Jordan had a main role in "We Are Who We Are" (2020) alongside Kid Cudi and Jack Dylan Grazer in an 8-episode miniseries for HBO, directed by Luca Guadagnino.

Television Series List of Jordan Kristine Seamon

  1. We Are Who We Are (2020)

jordan kristine seamon series list
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