What is the series list of Mean Phiravich Attachitsataporn?




Phiravich Attachitsataporn [TV Series & Movies]

About Mean Phiravich Attachitsataporn's acting career, he made his active debut through the TV series "Love Sick 2" in 2014 Since then he is active in the Thai television and film industry.

He is best known for his role name as Tin in the most popular Thai television drama series "Love by Chance" (2018). Since he featured with main roles in movies such as "Love: Must Take It Off" (2019), "Touchdown Kiss" (2019), and "Pee Nak 2" (2020). His leading role in television series like "My Bubble Tea" (2020) and "Love By Chance 2" (2020), etc...

Full Television Series List of  Mean Phiravich

  1. Love Sick: The Series Season 2 (2015)
  2. I Love The Fat Guy 2 (2016)
  3. Make It Right: The Series (2016)
  4. Krang Nan Mai Leum (2017)
  5. Kammathep Jum Laeng (2017)
  6. Love by Chance The Series (2018)
  7. Beauty Boy: The Series (2018)
  8. REMINDERS (2019)
  9. Touchdown kiss (2019)
  10. Make It Live: On The Beach (2019)
  11. 2Wish (2019)
  12. TharnType (2019)
  13. Until We Meet Again (2019)
  14. My Bubble Tea (2020)
  15. Hook: The Series (2020)
  16. Love By Chance 2: A Chance to Love (2020)
  17. Saneha Stories 3: Bar Host (2020)
  18. The Graduates (2020)
  19. Petchakard Jun Jao (TBA)

Movies List of Phiravich Attachitsataporn

  1. Water Boyy: The Movie (2015)
  2. Love: Must Take It Off (2019)
  3. Touchdown Kiss (2019)
  4. Blood Valentine (2019)
  5. Pee Nak 2 (2020)
  6. Begging you (2020)

TV Shows List of Phiravich Attachitsataporn

  1. Talk with Toey Tonight (2015) as Guest
  2. A-VLOG (2018) as Regular Member
  3. Watching it in Japan: Season 3 (2018) as Guest
  4. Taokaenoi Club: Season 2 (2019) as Regular Member

Mean Phiravich Attachitsataporn series list
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