Tommy Sittichok: Biography, Age, Height, Girlfriend, Education, Family, House


Tommy Sittichok Pueakpoolpol

Sittichok Pueakpoolpol, better known as his English nickname "Tommy" is a Thai television and film actor, singer, and model who was born on 29 September 1995 in a city of Thailand.

Tommy debuted himself as an actor with the movie "Oh! My Ghost 4" in 2015 BUT he gains more popularity through the Thai popular BL series "Why r u?"  in 2020, in this series he was cast as one of the lead role named Zon. Tommy is also a member of the Thai boy band called "Boyfriends".

Basic Profile Details of Tommy Sittichok

(Basic profile details of Tommy Sittichok Pueakpoolpol including Biography, Full Name, Nickname, Nationality, Age, Date of Birth, Birth Place, Height, Weight, Gender, Occupation, Agent)

  • Birth Name: Sittichok Pueakpoolpol
  • English Nickname: Tommy
  • Nationality: Thai (Thailand)
  • Date of Birth: September 29, 1995
  • Birth Place: Thailand
  • Profession/Occupation: Actor, Singer, Model
  • Years Active: 2015-present
  • Gender: Male
  • Height: ??
  • Weight: ??
  • Married Status: Unmarried
  • Agent: ??

tommy sittichok pueakpoolpol biography

Education & Qualification of Tommy Sittichok

About Tommy Sittichok Pueakpoolpol's education and qualification, he most completed his education in Thailand. He completed his higher education at Ramkhamhaeng University in Thailand.

Acting Career of Tommy Sittichok

As we mentioned on upper Tommy Sittichok has started his acting career as an actor with the film named "Oh! My Ghost 4" in 2015 Since he is active in the Thai television and film entertainment industry.

TV Series of Tommy Sittichok

  1. Oh, My Ghost 4 (2015)
  2. Love Smart (2015)
  3. Joking Jazz 4G (2016)
  4. The Legend of King Naresuan (2017)
  5. Love Songs Love Series: Final Day of Friendship (2018)
  6. Pee Nak (2019)
  7. Why r u? (TV Series, 2020) --- See the full list of television series & movies of Tommy Sittichok

Girlfriend & Relationship of Tommy Sittichok

Looking for information related to Tommy Sittichok Pueakpoolpol's current girlfriend and relationship then, actually, he is currently around 26 years old (According to May 2021) a good-looking and handsome Thai actor so maybe he is currently dating someone BUT according to resources and our data record, he is currently single and he is not dating anyone right now.

And about Tommy Sittichok Pueakpoolpol's previous girlfriend and relationship, We do not have enough information right now but our team is working on this article we will update this article again as soon as possible...!!!

tommy sittichok pueakpoolpol girlfriend relationship

Family & Relatives of Tommy Sittichok Pueakpoolpol

About Tommy Sittichok Pueakpoolpol's family, even right now we do not have enough updates related to his family members, siblings, parents & relatives but we will update this article as soon as possible...!!!!

Fan Following of Tommy Sittichok on Instagram

Tommy Sittichok Pueakpoolpol is quite popular & active on the Social media platform Instagram. He has an official account with a username "@tommysittichok" where he has over 921.4K fans followers with a total number of 866 posts, the last update according to May 5th, 2021.

Current Net Worth of Sittichok Pueakpoolpol

Tommy Sittichok Pueakpoolpol is one of the popular Thai actors who is working in the Thai television & film entertainment industry. He started his acting career as an actor in 2015-present with the film. So, his current net worth is good, and also his current net worth is increasing in 2021 and also in upcoming years.

According to the various online resources, the viewers can check Tommy Sittichok Pueakpoolpol's current net worth in another article just click the link and read the details of his net worth ---- Read the complete article of Tommy Sittichok Pueakpoolpol current net worth

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