How many languages are spoken in the Maldives?

Query By: ADOM


Atul Verma

Maldives Language

Maldives Language

The official language of the Maldives is Dhivehi. There are many other languages spoken in the Maldives, This article contains all information about the languages spoken in the Maldives.

Language Spoken in the Maldives

Dhivehi is the oldest and official language of the Maldives. About 95% of the population of the Maldives uses Dhivehi language in general and official communication. Since the Maldives has been a colony of the United Kingdom so people also speak and understand the English language. Dhivehi and English are the most widely spoken languages in the Maldives. In the Maldives, a few % of people also use Hindi, Urdu, and Sinhala languages but these are spoken on a very small scale.

Since tourism is one of the most powerful industries in the Maldives, too many people from across the world come to the Maldives to enjoy their vacation. Due to the tourism sector people who work in resorts, hotels also know Spanish, Russian, French, German, Italian, Chinese, and other languages but only limited people speak these languages in the Maldives. 

Dhivehi Language

Dhivehi language is the most widely spoken language in the Maldives and has the status of the official language of the country. The language Dhivehi is an Indo-Aryan language which is closely related to the Srilankan Sinhala language. More than 95% population of Maldives speak Dhivehi language. Dhivehi is the official language of Maldives

Below is the list of some common sentences in the Dhivehi language.

  • Hello: Assalaamu alaikum
  • How are you?: Haalu kihineh?
  • Fine, thank you: Ran'galhu, shukuriyaa
  • Excuse me: Ma-aaf kurey
  • Thank you: Shukuriyaa
  • You're welcome: Maruhabaa
  • Nice to meet you: Baddhalu vee thi varah ufavejje.
  • Yes: Aan
  • No: Noon
  • Do you speak English: Ingireysin vaahaka dhakkan ingeytha?

English Language in the Maldives

The Maldives got its independence on 26 July 1965 from the United Kingdom. Since the Maldives has been a colony of the United Kingdom so from the past many people know the English language. In the 1970s Maldives was a very poor country, In the 1980s government took many steps for economical reform. The government recognized that Maldive has a massive opportunity in the tourism sector since English is a common language across the world so the Maldives government designed some plans to focus on the English language. The Maldives included English languages as a compulsory subject in school and colleges so in the current scenario most of the people in the Maldives know the English language. So if you know the English language Maldives is a good choice for the vacation.

This was all about the languages spoken in the Maldives. I hope you will find some relevant information from my article.

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