What languages does Jerry Yan speak?

Query By: KK D'SOUZA


Ferry Kela

Jerry Yan, "Birth and Family Detail"

Jerry Yan, originally named Liao Yangzhen, was born in Taoyuan, Taiwan. He belongs to the Atayal and Hakka ethnicities and commenced his acting and singing journey in the Taiwanese entertainment industry in the year 2000.

Languages Jerry Yan Speak Fluently

Jerry Yan was born and raised in Taoyuan, Taiwan, making him highly proficient in his native language, Mandarin Chinese, commonly known as "Taiwanese Mandarin," which serves as the official language in both China and Taiwan. In addition to Mandarin, he also understands and speaks English a little bit, a language predominantly spoken in Australia, New Zealand, America, and Western countries. However, his fluency in Mandarin surpasses that in English.

It is possible that Jerry Yan has proficiency in other languages such as Thai, Japanese, Korean, etc. However, currently, there is insufficient information available to determine his fluency in these languages or the extent of his proficiency in them.

Jerry Yan speak languages fluently
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